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Golden Tips for Gaining Weight more faster

Golden Tips for Gaining Weight Loss more faster.

Nowadays, people have very weak and slim body. This happens due to fast foods and not caring their body properly.

The main reason for weak body is lack of protein and vitamins in your daily food meals. Eating more junk foods led to destroy your digestive system. People uses many medicines for weight gain which are made up of harmful chemicals. These chemicals are very injurious to health. Today, we will show you 3 natural ways for weight gain.
1. Exercise :
Daily exercise is much needed for weight gain. This led to increase your muscles and make your bones stronger. This will also helps to make your immune system good. Exercise helps you to digest your calories faster.
2. Milk and Almonds :

Eat maximum Almonds per day. This is very essential for weight gain. Milk is also very essential for gaining weight. You should drink milk after meal to balance your diet.
3. Cardamom :
Cardamom is also known as 'Elaychi'. This is very essential for weight gain. This also helps to make your digestive system better. Therefore, you should eat cardamom daily for gaining weight.